Learning Disabilities Specialist and Personal Coach specializing in:
Attention Deficit Disorders - ASD/Asperger's - Acquired Brain Injuries

Carol A. McMullen
Carol is a Learning Disabilities Specialist and a Family or Personal Coach specializing in Attention Deficit Disorders, ASD/Asperger’s, Learning Disabilities (LD), Non-verbal Learning Disabilities (NLD), and Acquired Brain Injuries (ABI).
Carol has worked with people of all ages: eighty percent of students who have engaged in her program achieve one or more course grades of 90% or higher. Many of her adult clients have become promoted at work. With her business management consultation, those who own a business significantly increased efficiency and productivity.
Carol's handbook provides the core for this work:
Saving Your Child, Saving Yourself:
Navigating Roadblocks in Managing ADHD, Asperger's and Learning Disabilities
For school-age students
Design of personalized school programs
Solutions for homework problems
Negotiation with school personnel
establishing partial or full home-school programs
Motivation, organization, social and communication skills
Managing behaviour, and anger problems
Strategies for bullying issues
For college and university students
Course-specific academic support
Negotiation with faculty, Special Needs Office and other administration
Time management, organization, self-care, social and communication skills
Independent living skills, money management and work preparation
Assistive technology options
For youth who drop out​
Support for parents and youth to construct a viable “Plan B”
Resources to get back on track or access more treatment support.
For adults​
Assistance in personal relationship, family, and workplace problems.
Step-by-step plans for those unable to find or maintain employment
Organization and management consultation for individuals struggling with business ownership or corporate management positions.
For organizations
Time management and organization in the workplace
Communication skills in the workplace
Handling stress and "workplace politics"