Learning Disabilities Specialist and Personal Coach specializing in:
Attention Deficit Disorders - ASD/Asperger's - Acquired Brain Injuries
Carol is a champion advocate for individuals across the lifespan who are navigating the complex challenges of ADHD, Autism Spectrum and/or Learning Disabilities. Her wealth of knowledge, wisdom and years of dedication towards understanding these challenges come alive in this easy-to-use, practical handbook which will no doubt prove helpful.
Dr. Aziz Nashef, C.Psych. , Clinical/Counselling Psychologist, University of Waterloo
About the Book:
People with ADHD, Asperger’s, Learning Disabilities and NLD continue to face incredible obstacles in the education system, in the workplace, and in their personal relationships.
For parents, what is needed is a hands-on program to save their children with special learning needs by becoming “case managers” in the process of managing these roadblocks: coping with constant turmoil and frustration at home and also coping with a school system still largely unable to meet their needs without intensive parent involvement.
This book provides parents with the tools to engage schools at all levels – elementary through post-secondary:
Transferring essential learning strategies and accommodations to the classroom and to exam settings​
Approximately eighty percent of my students achieve one or more course grades of 90% or higher by engaging in the program strategies outlined in this handbook.
It will also help older youth and adults to learn to do this for themselves, in their workplaces and careers, and as “treatment partners” with their spouse.​
You will find here a roadmap, of sorts, for navigating within a system and society oftentimes still unaware of the needs of individuals and families struggling with these issues, or unable to meet these needs. It also gives parents, adults, and spouses specific steps to take at home to manage the behaviours and daily stress of living with someone with these special learning needs and disorders.
As a psychotherapist who has worked with individuals of all ages, I have utilized Carol's invaluable expertise and skill for more than a decade. She has been an incredible resource to both myself as a clinician and those I support. Her ability to clearly define the issue and support individuals and families as they navigate through learning challenges has been indispensable. Her books and consultative skills have enabled many to realize their academic and social potential.
Monique Peats, MTS(PC), OACCPP, MSW, RSW, RP, Psychotherapist/Social Worker
Carol's approach has challenged me to rethink the way I teach and parent.
She provides the understanding, experience and tools all educators need to support their students who have learning challenges. This handbook is an invaluable resource all those in education - a must read.
Ann-Margaret Langlade, Elementary School Teacher
It was great to learn about my Learning Disability and how my brain works. I learned strategies so that I could be more helpful to my staff, customers, and most important, my family.
Ron Scheidel, President of Greenhorizons Group of Farms Ltd.
We set a new course for learning and support with Carol's help and the handbook in tow. Our son has transformed into the bright confident young man we always knew was in there! A VERY proud and thankful parent.
Jacquie Geall, Client
Carol's handbook is an essential guide for parents and adults through the maze of Learning Disabilities, ADHD and Asperger's. "Different minds learn differently" it's been said, but many schools still seem unable to provide the needed educational accommodations. The manual explains how to strengthen abilities to help students and adults overcome their challenges. A great reference and must have for anyone like our family in navigating this winding road.
Maria Gallucio, Client
Chapter Summary:
1. Assessment & Legal Rights
Variations in testing approaches, results, interpretations. Diagnostic implications for the IPRC and IEP. Legal rights and accommodation precedents. Informal assessment.
2. How to Save Your Child: Parents as Case Managers
Parent preparation, initial organization steps, planning and chairing school meetings. Handling school system administration issues. Steps to simplify family life.
3. Surviving at Home
Survival plan of Awareness, Acceptance, Action, and Advocacy. Morning and evening routines, family organization steps. The homework challenge. Specialized tutor roles. Pacing, parent breaks, summer program.
4. Getting on Top of Academics: Language Subjects
Remedial vs. compensatory approaches. Accommodations for reading and writing - for all levels - SQ4R, reading comprehension improvement, language development for writing, note-takers and spelling alternatives. Assistive technology criteria and methodologies.
5. Getting on Top of Academics: Mathematics and Science
Detailed strategies for basic math operations, applications for senior and post-secondary levels. Dynamic shift in approach away from speed, memory, or drill. Use of calculators, cue cards and Reference Sheets. Allowance and decimals. Role of university-level tutors. Science strategies.
6. Academic and Exam Accommodations
Classroom accommodations including crucial previewing of new material. Criteria and specific examples of test and exam accommodations for all levels. Error Analysis process, lower course loads, semi-audit option for grades 7 and 8. Foreign language courses, student advocacy issues.
7. Behaviour Problems and Medication
Basis of behaviour problems, self-esteem, motivation problems. Sibling issues. Classroom behaviour and behaviour contracts. Dealing with anger and steps for situations that escalate out of control. Older teens and early 20’s. The complex medication question.
8. How to Get Schools on Board
Why schools are struggling. Positive negotiation process steps for all administration levels. Supply teachers, bullying and partial home school rationale. Last resort legal options.
9. The (Partial) Home School Option
Arranging parent time off work, tutor assistance. Possible school or student resistance. Detailed program steps and student motivation techniques. Sharing program results for IEP revisions at school.
10. Social and Communication Skills
How these are related to learning disorders. Teaching strategies for parents, involving siblings. Skill development at school, recess and bus problems. Making friends, special teen issues.
11. Getting Through College and University
Choosing colleges and courses, living arrangements, managing a budget. Post-secondary learning strategies and accommodations, negotiating with faculty and the Special Needs Office. Separating from parents, new friends and relationships. Youth who drop out or become “stuck”.
12. Time Management and Organization
Complex sub-skills required to begin. Parent skill development required to teach children. Graduated levels for teens and adults, participation of spousal partners Dealing with clutter.
13. Adults in the Workplace
Job-specific time management and organization. Finding a job, surviving in a new job. Disclosure options. Dealing with colleagues, customers, work “politics”. Handling stress and crises. How to get promoted. Strategies for professionals, managers, business owners. Finding a mentor.
14. Making Personal Relationships Work
Redefining your relationship. Advanced communication skills, partner roles and survival. Dealing with outside friendships, children, and extended family. Money management. A special focus on Asperger’s challenges in this chapter.